Dark Legacy Page 29
However, Vey insisted, citing the undeniable argument that the subspace volume of this thing, resembling a small padlock, was immense. It was useful to hunters, encroaching on the gold of the elves. It looked like it really came in handy. However, it also caused some doubt.
Oh, Vey isn’t as simple as he seems to be. What a coincidence! This is unbelievable!
Yar gave the thing to O’Krazh and was shocked by the reaction. Something unusual was happening to the giants. They, all as one, turned their heads abruptly; staring at his palm, most of them stretched their necks and stood on their toes.
“Does Yar Row Dark trust the Mauls to work with the UPSC?” The chief of the titans croaked almost crying, his lips trembling. Yar, not understanding, shrugged.
“Why shouldn’t I trust such nice guys like the Mauls? I can give you one of the UPSC or even two,” Yar said, not quite understanding what was happening. The man took out two more Portable Stores.
It seemed that all the immense storage shook. The giants fell to their knees as if they were granite, thumped them on the ground, and then they bowed down, shouting, “Hello! True Master!”
Yar, like everyone else, clutched at his ears and even checked whether blood was flowing out of them or not.
“Hey, guys, stop shaking the space! My ears can barely withstand this noise. Get up!” Yaro shouted and did not even notice how they got up; he saw the rows of muscular Mauls after a moment.
“Order, Master,” the leader of the giants said in an ordinary voice. The Mauls seemed to have changed. Yar noted that they were no longer those weak-minded idols they seemed to have been at the beginning of their acquaintance. As if whatever magical charm has affected them had now been overcome. The thirst for life, and the sparkles in the bright eyes were now clear to see.
The head of the clan did not doubt that he had to finish this deed as quickly as possible.
“Okay, O’Krazh, I give you three UPSC. They are completely under your jurisdiction; you are responsible for them. Guys, take away everything that is valuable here—and the sooner the better.”
The Midnighters squad looked like professional loaders as they robbed, well ... worked for the good of the clan. Blurred silhouettes rushed along the rows, and all that remained in their wake was empty racks, like huge, emasculated skeletal bones in the desert.
“Master, your order’s been executed.”
Chapter 51. The Greatest Global Achievement
I t seemed to Yar that during this time he had only managed to breathe a couple of times. Tram-pam-pam —everything was ready...
Wow, it looks we will have soon fun. Yar had a crazy thought. Maybe we can capture the Sugar Palace?
Suddenly, a collective application for joining the clan appeared from the Mauls.
Nodding his head, Yar signed it, thinking ironically, What awaits us next? I seem to have many opportunities to become the emperor of the very universe.
The Shadows didn’t join the collective rejoicing. Yar turned on the scanner, clearly identifying that right next to them—a hundred yards away—the largest void was located, marked on the scanner as a greenish area.
Most likely, this is the vaunted library, Yar thought. His intuition screamed in confirmation, Here it is! Here it is! Act now!
“Everyone, get ready!” Yar gave the order. “Wait for the portal. Blacky, come with me.”
Yar presumed that there would be more light elves in the library.
His fears were in vain. There was no one to raise the alarm within this myriad of books, because there were no survivors here. Breaking out of the Gap Spindle, Yar exhaled slowly and tried to behave as the head of the clan, which was, more or less, adequately.
He activated the portal immediately and seemed to forget about his comrades. With his head up, he selflessly looked at the man-made colossus before him. It was an engineering marvel. Huge radial rings filled with perimeter shelves full of books, covered both from below and from above by transparent partitions, went up three hundred feet. Light pouring from the ceiling penetrated this huge circular space. A mine was in the center, like a rod.
Most likely, this is a transport hub, Yar supposed.
“Who built it?” he uttered, spellbound.
“We built it. Your Mauls,” a voice rang out behind his back.
Yar turned around. The giants stood in the same order, and their leader smiled slightly.
“Could you build exactly the same building again?” Yar asked, realizing that it was necessary to do something rather than just stand here with his mouth open. However, he could do nothing with himself. He could never even have imagined such a stunning library.
The deepest bass of all times and people brought him back to reality. “Why just exactly the same? We can do even better.”
Yar shook his head, as if driving away the obsession, and he ordered loudly, “Then take all the books to the very last page, but do so carefully.”
“It will be done, Master,” the happy O’Krazh, and the rest of the Mauls, responded, and then they disappeared, apparently deciding to start taking out the library from the upper floors of the building.
Eventually, having already left the vault of the largest and most valuable collection of folios in the Belt of the Worlds, they moved to the White Moths’ treasury.
This time they had to fight. The Guardian and three groups of rangers were in the treasury of the all-powerful clan, equipped, as they said, to the highest level.
The fight was short—most likely due to Blacky’s suddenness and speed of reaction that destroyed the first group of rangers in less than a second. The Shadows killed the rest of the elves. Gelic, as Yar’s personal bodyguard, remained close to the clan leader, blocking his access to the battle. The man had to obey. However, for this couple of seconds, Yar clearly determined that these elves were not whipping boys. They died silently with crooked smirks on their faces.
Glory to the System, we’ve done it on time. Yar took a breath, dropping the corpses into his Oblivion Cage. He had the feeling that time was running out, like sand between his fingers. The worst thing was that in this battle, the Shadows had broken the elven stationary portal.
In this treasury, there were three large rooms—one of which was filled with gold, the second with rare crystals, and the third, and most extensive, with artifacts.
The first two were robbed according to the old scheme, except that O’Krazh publicly declared that the second UPSC would be activated. However, a hitch occurred in the second repository.
Oddly enough, musical instruments with fantastic stats were the cause of the delay. The unperturbed giants, as if consisting of granite and steel, became suddenly touching cuties. They lost their composure completely and, even worse, they stopped reacting to Yar’s words. They carefully took the decorated unthinkable string instruments and pipes, stroked them like living pets, kissed them, and gently held them to their breasts.
Yar lost his temper. At the same time he used the voice of orders and the magic of the word, “Heck! Damn it! What the hell are you waiting for, eh? What the fuck is going on here?”
Yar was stunned by his own forcefulness.
However, meaningfulness, enthusiasm and obvious fright appeared in the mauls’ eyes.
Taking advantage of this, Yar yelled, “Take the musical instruments for your eternal use! Put everything else in the UPSC. Quickly!”
The ‘music fans’ sobered and jerked like race cars into a pit stop. But it was too late; Yar read two messages that came almost simultaneously.
Blue World Achievement
Yar Row Dark unlocked the achievement of the Master of Swear Words
Unique ability - Master of Swear Words
Unique title - Savior of Nations
Unique spell - Unity
The second message was very disturbing, coming from the orbit.
Alarm! I observe the transfer of military units into the area of
the Sugar Palace. Get out of there urgently! Urgently!
“Phew.” The keeper let out a sigh of relief as he left the meeting room, and, in doing so, he immediately felt better. This elf didn’t like to waste time. He was glad that this damned vassal reception protocol was finally over—which he had attended as the main archivist of the light elves. However, he refused to attend the feast.
Who needs it? They prevent me from working, loafers, Airius the All-Knowing, the Chief Keeper of the Great Library, lamented.
He reached the cherished wall, looked around habitually, having made sure that the elven aristocrats were not around, and put his hand against the generic white wall. Although, of course, everyone knew that the portal to the Great Library was behind the wall. However, the keeper’s age-old habits hadn’t been eradicated in recent centuries.
The wall immediately fell down, opening the passage to the portal. Airius the All-Knowing stepped inside and found himself in his workplace. He could not get out of the portal as his heart ripped through the view of the empty bookshelves before him.
He hadn’t revived for long. They said, here—in a special place on a part of the front square—no one had revived for a very long time. Therefore, the high-noble elves, wandering around the palace, looked at him with surprise. Airius snatched a small, red phial frantically and drank it down in one greedy sip. The potion gave him strength. He shouted in a demonic voice and rushed into the rooms where the feast was being held. Despite his thinness and apparent weakness, he threw off the guards and darted to the feasting elves, shouting over everyone in his heart-rending voice.
“Alarm! The library has been stolen!”
Airius then died again, falling on expensive carpets.
The Midnighters were transported to a chosen place in the elven forest without complication, ready for a deadly battle that rapidly approached. The light elves had determined their location very quickly. Yar felt that a whole avalanche of rangers was sweeping toward them through the forest. He could not establish a portal to Earth. A red system message appeared before his eyes:
Using any portal is not possible.
The opposition of one thousand three hundred Karn Suppressors.
The Midnighters stood in a circle instantly. They had nowhere to retreat; their enemies were approaching from all sides. Yar looked into the clear sky, waiting for the fiercest battle to begin. The Lord of the Shadows was proud—he did not notice the fear in his comrades’ eyes.
Yar was already preparing for Armageddon, and giving the order to Burn’s group in orbit, when he suddenly heard an angry, squeaky voice in his head. Grim Punisher advises using the full power of the Sower. My energy will be enough for a total strike.
Yar realized what was happening immediately, and he screamed with all his might, “Get ready for a global spell! Hold on to each other!”
Yar quickly collected the negative energy of their oncoming enemies and engaged the Sower, feeling the boundless ocean of energy swirl in his chest. He turned green in a second, and his left hand became covered with moss and lichen, exuding darkness. The clan leader knelt down and hit the light elf land with a deafening shout as blood flowed from his comrades’ ears.
“Arise, forest! Punish these light fiends!”
Heaps of soil two feet high rolled in all directions from Yar’s position, as if from the epicenter of an earthquake. Where they passed, everything was transformed, becoming a magical forest—very similar to the one that stood there, in his homeland, at Pulkovo Heights. It was a deadly beauty.
Many of the elves did not understand what had killed them, the rest tried to resist, but they could not resist the rebel of the planet.
Yar was standing on his knees completely exhausted as the spell gained momentum, destroying the light elves, no matter where they were hiding. Global messages loomed before his eyes:
Attention! Attention! Attention!
The Greatest Global Achievement of the Belt of the Worlds!
The sabotage detachment of the Midnighters clan under the leadership of Yar Row Dark captured the Greatest Library in the Belt of the Worlds and the Treasury of the Light Elves. A profit of four hundred and eighty-five trillion in gold was obtained.
The achievement was unlocked for the first time: The greatest diversion of all times and peoples.
The achievement was unlocked for the first time: The greatest robbery of all times and peoples.
Generation during the day
Attention! Attention! Attention!
The Greatest Global Achievement of the Belt of the Worlds!
The Midnighters clan made an intervention of the metropolitan planet Elate, capturing three castles and the capital Sugar Palace.
The achievement was unlocked for the first time: The greatest military operation of all times and peoples.
The achievement was unlocked for the first time: The greatest military operation of all times and peoples with small forces.
The achievement was unlocked for the first time: Capture the planet by a sabotage group.
The achievement was unlocked for the first time: Loot is incalculable.
Generation during the day
Yar lost consciousness, and at this time, the populations of many planets of the Belt of the Worlds rejoiced!
Chapter 52. Father
Y ar was unconscious for a long time. Gelic and Blacky used the highest level medical units. After several healing blocks were applied like a battering ram, Yar jumped overflowing with energy.
“Thanks! That’s enough!” Yar shouted, waving his arms, as if defending himself from a swarm of bees. ‘You’ll heal me to death!”
His companions laughed in unison, having started throwing up their leader with congratulatory cries. Yar managed to escape from the embraces of the cheering crowd only after he screamed and reminded them about the seriousness of their mission. However, he did not manage to avoid the kisses of the beautiful half of the sabotage group.
Fortunately, Lyan and Eva calmed down the Midnighters and insisted on an urgent transfer of valuables to the Ryiri Palace. The fiery friends from orbit unexpectedly helped to divert attention to themselves, flying by in order and deafeningly shaking the space with their thunderous peals.
“Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!”
Thank you! Yar was mentally grateful, drawing attention to the fact that he had many messages. With a sinking heart, he looked around. There was this endless, friendly outstanding beauty, and many colorful, brilliant and shining insects were flying around. His companions recorded these newly discovered creatures enthusiastically.
It looks like a positive Transformation, the clan leader thought. He mentally contacted Blacky. His long-distance intelligence was working far away, trying to identify any danger. Yar felt only great excitement and wild delight. It seemed that the wildcat enjoyed this beauty and could do it endlessly.
Well... it seems that Blacky really likes it here.
Yar, pleased with his gracious feeling, leaned against the stone slab and wrote Vey a short letter.
Everything worked out.
I will install the portal in the front room. The estimated implementation time is about ten minutes. The Mauls are coming with me, I hope you know who they are. They are in our clan now. The guys did a nice job. O’Krazh is a chief, and he has elven gold and a library in two UPSC. They claim to be able to build a Great Library better than in the one we just emptied in the Sugar Palace.
Use them to the fullest; I think this building should be in your Academy.
Yar paused and looked at his enthusiastic supporters, giving the name to everything around.
“Hey, leave it to the kids! You still cannot significantly level up this way. Come closer!” Yar ordered.
The swift-footed Uyu leaned on his shoulder first, h
aving managed to whisper languidly in his ear, “Master, the Belt of the Worlds is going crazy with these events! All the frontier has now sworn allegiance to you.”
Luckily, Yar was leaning against a rock. This helped him hide his confusion as everyone gathered around him.
The giants habitually lined up. Burn and its team, scorching with heat, hung over a hundred feet above the comrades present position.
We must hurry, Yar encouraged himself.
‘So, Mauls, you’ll go to the site of our clan’s permanent deployment. You will be met there and will find a comfortable place to stay. O’Krazh, give Vey Row the Shamrock all the values you have collected. Discuss with him the location of the future library. Act!” Yar opened the portal. The giants were laconic.
Then he heard only, “Yes, Master!” as they, trampling like a herd of mastodons, entered the portal.
The Lord of the Shadows breathed a deep sigh of relief. That’s good.
“Burn, it is necessary to whirl around Elate. Watch carefully for what is happening on the surface. If something goes wrong, we will need you to cover our groups. There are no settlements or cities, but there are many natural attractions and noblemen’s villas. I need detailed images of all significant structures. Come on, fire guard!”
“Guard!” Burn howled like a diesel locomotive and rushed high along with its impressive escort.
Glory to the System. I’ve figured it out.
“Master, what do you think to do next?” Uyu asked.
Yar turned to her and pointed toward the sparkling palace, a white giant towering over the forest.
“Uyu, go to the Sugar Palace and look around. It seems that the light elves are not there, but there may be traps, so be careful. I will stay here as I need to deal with the messages and think a little.”
Uyu nodded, signaled and said, in motion, “Yeah, that’s for sure. Master, the light bastards offered a lot of money for your death.”