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Dark Legacy Page 20
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Page 20
“Your Majesty,” the whitened wizard said. “For the sake of the system, I beg your pardon—my reflexes controlled me.”
All but the princess, to their horror, had already realized that this smoking corpse was the Imperial Inspector.
“It’s quite odd … I thought they cannot be seen or detected,” Teko said in an overly calm manner.
“We have sixty seconds to decide what to do,” Goh said, a little nervously. Immediately, a hefty ice stalactite hit the corpse, nailing it tightly to the floor.
“Two hundred and forty seconds,” Eagle Tamp corrected him, looking around at them. The princess was still standing and staring at the frost-covered corpse in surprise.
“Yar Dark! I need his Cage of Oblivion!” Goh shouted and immediately wrote a message in the tempo of drumming:
Yar! I need your help and your Oblivion Cage. The importance and urgency are extreme. Here’s the location point.
Goh the Gray Raven,
The Midnighters Clan
“Glory to the system, Vey, you finally broke away from this ‘coconut’ of the ancients.” Smiling, Yar turned to his brother in a good mood.
The wizard almost laughed, squinting, and smoothed his beard smugly.
“Hah, I don’t know what a ‘coconut’ is, but you can’t even imagine what I feel.”
Yar stopped sorting reinforcement rings—there were plenty of them.
“What is it?” Yar couldn’t help asking the question. Vey beckoned him with a hand, saying, “Come near, the lost one.”
“Leave these rings. You shouldn’t decorate your hands with jewelry artifacts, it is undignified for your level. There are many artifacts that can enhance you directly. As practice shows, it is much more effective and will remain with you forever.”
“Okay,” Yar obeyed and immediately approached the wizard.
“For starters, take this magnificent artifact.”
Vey handed the man a small, thin oval gold token. The characteristics of the object reflected in front of Yar’s eyes immediately.
The Space Keyhole (Intuitive portal)
One-time entry in Abilities
Interplanetary Portal (maximum according to level)
Far portal (maximum according to level)
Short portal (maximum according to level)
Micro portal (maximum according to level)
* Additions:
Front Exit (Romantic, Warrior, Diplomat, Master, Peacemaker, Custom Settings)
Hidden exit (Aggressive invisibility of 30 seconds, Hidden scan of 10 seconds, Recovery of 10 seconds, Shadow canopy of 10 seconds)
Minimal exit (maximum)
* Addition: Possible manifestations of additional boosts (Random)
Produced by the laboratory of Archmage Tian Art Kule Prickly
“This is the coolest thing.” Yar admired the artifact sincerely. “Thank you, Vey!”
The wizard waved his hand selflessly.
However, he said, “It’s a pity. Such an outstanding thing seems to exist in a single copy. It can obviously be useful for you, Yar ... Remember that the entrance, and especially the exit from the portal, is the respectful image of a wizard. It has always been like this.
Beautiful artifacts aren’t suitable for solid adepts from our clan. Believe me, it takes years of hard work—woven from sweat, blood, trial, and error—to create and work out the minimal exit.”
“I got it! Mentor, how do I use it?” Yar asked impatiently, considering the tag which he twisted between his fingers.
“Easy-peasy. In general, the main effects on the artifacts of the ancients is in their contact with their host. Their thought and desire. So… start!”
Yar squeezed the token in his hand, imagined himself, and seemed to see how the ‘The Space Keyhole’ was written within his ‘ability’ characteristics forever. It was registered without any external alerts, and the token itself turned golden, like weightless dust, hanging like a cloud for a moment.
“Cool,” Yar said, looking at Vey.
However, the wizard grabbed his round coconut-like artifact again, which changed its color to a dirty gray. Vey was completely absorbed in the contemplation of the artifact, and therefore he did not hear anything, he just grunted, “Does he really have no time now? After all, I have a lot to do and think about, and I need to go around the entire wall for some reason.”
“Can you tell me what the fuck this is? Why can’t you leave it for a minute?”
Vey the Shamrock squinted slyly and said in a mysterious voice, “I’m preparing a surprise for everyone.”
He giggled mockingly, dissolving into the air.
Yar shook his head. “Oh, he can-”
Yan looked at the Guardian who was standing next to the clan leader impassively.
What a skill!
“Aero, I need the following. Please select the artifacts required for fifty dragons. I saw power claws, collars, bracelets, and even helmets. Next, you need to provide weapons and ammunition for all the regenerated entities. I need them to exude magic as if from a central source and be seen without magical vision. Finally, give the Untouchables whatever they ask for without restriction. Don’t forget to consult with Uyu. I will warn her.”
The Guardian nodded. “It’ll be done, Master,” he said and then disappeared.
Yar didn’t postpone his return to the tower, despite the fact that he was very tempted to further explore the treasuries. With slight regret, he set a minimum-exit into ‘the Space Keyhole’ and teleported to his favorite place—the top point of the central tower. He immediately felt the difference in the use of the portal. He had absolutely no sensation of failure or movement, as well as external effects: neither sound nor flashes of light. Finally, the most convenient—there was no forward movement as he exited. Earlier it had clearly been felt—as if someone was pushing you in the back.
Impressed, Yar contacted the head of the diversion groups.
“Uyu, discuss with the Shadows what artifacts you need both for skills and for status. I rely on you in this matter. The Shadows of the Moon should look as impressive as possible in the upcoming negotiations with the light elves. By the way, the meeting with their representatives is postponed for another day.”
“Master, have you found the caches of the palace?” she shouted happily.
“No, not me. The Guardian opened three secret treasuries for us. Two of them are ancient caches indeed.”
Then Yar contacted Ahr Oracle, who was in the air at that moment. The clan leader felt a cool headwind.
“Ahr, the presence of the fifty most powerful dragons is required at our meeting with the light elves. Be ready. You have twenty hours. I’ll need a collective portal transition.”
A question thundered in Yar’s head. “Is it a fight?’
“Not yet. You’ll have a representative function and level up.”
The dragon coughed, well, at least Yar heard a similar sound, amplified, like distant explosions from a test site.
“Master, what is this level up?” It seemed that Ahr Oracle’s interest had been piqued.
“Ancient artifacts suitable for dragons. Okay, Ahr, bye.” Yar disconnected.
It was a pity he didn’t see the huge silver dragon swoop down to the ground, announcing the space with a loud roar, and fascinatingly spinning around its axis. However, Yar saw something else—a message from the Princess’s Mentor.
Chapter 36. Ragnit’s back
M any of the novice adepts who embarked on the path of magic wondered, sooner or later, How could those who are respectfully called the Archmage manage to achieve such great heights? What was there, besides talent and hard work?
The answer was obvious. Race, gender, and creed weren’t at all important, you might even be an atheist. Sincere love was the most significant of many virtues. If a person was forever and wholeheartedly in love with magic, then someday this obstinate science would reciprocate ...
Altarum Ac
It was morning—the darkest time of the day on the metropolitan planet of Tix. The satellite, Yagli, had already gone beyond the horizon, but the bright star, Arararti, hadn’t appeared yet.
Everyone had been anxious at the Academy for several days now.
Lights were lit on all the Altarum battle towers. No one knew the reason why the omnipotent Eagle Tamp had imposed martial law, and why war games had gone on for several days now around the clock in the Academy.
The highest site of the Ink Tower was glowing like a beacon and causing no small measure of disturbance.
The guards, the mentors, and the students didn’t know anything. The Academy was buzzing like a disturbed hive, but the work went on as usual—like a well-established ancient mechanism. Mentors taught and passed on knowledge, students gained experience, died and were revived, and employees and guards did their daily work with admiration, or even with horror, as they watched this ‘ecumenical serpentarium’.
Nevertheless, both mentors and students paid attention to one circumstance.
One of the legendary wizards of the school disappeared without a trace. It was the frantic Witch Ragnit Samsara, who was secretly considered to be the closest ally and even mistress of the Rector of the Academy. Although, most likely, they gossiped about it more likely for the sake of adrenaline than for spreading rumors. All mentors and students had long known what this beautiful, temperamental woman was capable of. This mithril lady could forgive a lot, but it was not worth it to anger her under any circumstances. It was very dangerous. Perhaps death would be the best way out in that case.
Eagle Tamp nervously walked around the top of the Ink Tower. The wizard looked very excited. This circumstance was alarming and precisely indicated that something extraordinary was happening at the Academy. The Rector had already forgotten when he had last had the chance to sleep, so, he looked rather exhausted and sleazy: his hair was tousled, his hands were shaking, and he had the gaze of a desperate man. Eagle kept cursing himself, his indecision, and his incomprehensible gentleness. He was angry at having agreed to a secret operation on this ill-fated Blue Planet, and for sending Ragnit there, and for agreeing to observe complete silence in correspondence.
Fortunately, he did have excuses for his decisions, and only they kept him from committing any rash actions thus far.
All the major developments magically involved the distant Blue Planet, which was far from the center of the Belt of the Worlds. There had been a double transformation, some absurd miscalculations of the White Branch Clan, and the emergence of a clearly talented and promising wizard with amazing stats.
Moreover, Ragnit found out that she was originally from this planet. For centuries she had been looking for her homeland, from where she was thrown into the Belt of the Worlds by some ritual that went astray. She remembered only magic, her name, and the strange word ‘Samsara’. Therefore, she became Ragnit Samsara.
Once Ragnit and Eagle discussed matters at the Academy, and he treated her to the wonders of alcohol, delivered to him by the dwarves in great secrecy and for an incredible price. Eagle remembered well that turning point in their lives. Ragnit squinted, drank it, and seemed to fall asleep, leaning back in her chair. Then she almost destroyed the tower and him to the devil. He understood one thing then: his beloved screamed only, “I’ve found it!”
Clearly remembering this episode, Eagle Tamp smiled, thinking about it with no small measure of irony. I have to ask Ragnit when she returns. Maybe she suddenly remembers something. It would be better to be warned in advance to know when I should flee.
The most powerful witch of Altarum was already three days late. News from the spies in the White Branch Clan was coming almost non-stop now; they became more and more incredible. These were Armageddon-like messages, literally driving Eagle Tamp into prostration and a complete lack of understanding of what was happening. The rector first encountered this.
Your Grace!
I report: the legendary Ryiri Palace of Capture of the White Branch Clan, located on the Blue Planet, was taken by force. The name of the invader is unknown. No further information is available. Something unthinkable happened to the garrison of the palace—according to the registration lists, they were completely destroyed. The Governor, all high wizards, huntsmen, guests, musicians, and employees, all of them disappeared from all the lists of the clan. The White Branch claims to have had some kind of system crash. I turn to work around the clock. I need additional resources.
Glory to Altarum!
Agent № 02121 Black Tueri
The Rector turned white, imagining that Ragnit was somewhere there, and he immediately increased the agent’s resources several times. He didn’t even have time to comprehend what was happening as another message arrived.
Your Excellency!
Panic and horror occurred in the camp of the White Branch Clan. The light elves sent their best elite squads into battle. Trying to recapture the Palace of Capture, the best elven warriors disappeared almost immediately from their clan lists.
Glory to Altarum!
Agent № 02121 Black Tueri
Eagle Tamp was tormented for four days, drinking alcohol from the Blue Planet and getting angrier with each day—he started combat games in the Academy to restrain himself and not jump on the residual trail of Ragnit’s portal. At the end of these unbearable days, Eagle received a third message from the Black Tueri.
Your Grace!
The White Branch could not regain its property on the Blue Planet. The light clan lost all bindings to the castle. According to my data, the Imperial portal service also cannot access passages to the palace. A lot of incomprehensible things have happened. High elves are fighting each other like animals. I personally observed several fatal duels.
Glory to Altarum!
Agent № 02121 Black Tueri
After reading the report, Eagle Tamp couldn’t sleep at all and actually lived at the top of his tower, where Ragnit was supposed to teleport into.
Finally, it happened! Eagle felt clearly the binding and operation of the portal. It was Ragnit. She was the only person who had access to his tower. Eagle Tamp embraced her right outside the portal.
“Well, really, what a pleasant meeting,” Ragnit said, flashing her snow-white smile.
“Don’t look at me like that! I couldn’t come earlier. I wish you could see … it was incredible! You would stay there for a month. Moreover, I have a wonderful excuse—nostalgia.”
Ragnit stirred, trying to break free from Eagle Tamp’s strong embrace. “Put me down, otherwise you will choke me. I’m not going anywhere.”
The witch laughed happily. Eagle Tamp lowered his beloved to the floor obediently and carefully, like the finest porcelain figurine. After that, the Rector of the Academy seemed to explode with boiling energy, distributing orders to his subordinates at the speed of gunfire. The many-voiced cries of his joyous students was heard even from the high tower. They got two days off.
Ragnit cleaned herself up. Fortunately, there was a pool in the tower, and then she reported on her incredible and exciting adventures.
She had already been sleeping for a long time. Eagle Tamp continued to sit in the chair, thinking. Time after time he revised her incredible story in his thoughts. There were dragons, an enchanted dangerous forest, a tower on the top of the huge Mellorns, the legendary, revived Shadows of the Moon clan, and even the incredible, intelligent fiery essences. Ragnit told him about the quick, almost instantaneous assault and the transfer of the Palace of Capture to an unknown place. Ragnit never found it—despite the fact that she was the strongest witch in the Belt of the Worlds!
“I have too many questions and no answers ... What is really happening?”
It was almost noon, but he could not calm down, greatly regretting that he hadn’t taken advantage of the moment and fallen asleep next to his beloved. At this moment of bitter regret and dissatisfaction, he received a message from his friend.
Hello, my old frien
I was at the storming of the Palace of Capture and became an adept in the Magic of Affect. Efficiency increased in all spells by fifteen to twenty percent. Your urgent presence is required. Teko Kamir Black Rock and Heiro Kamir the Sun-Scorched are here with me.
Goh the Gray Raven
The Midnighters clan
“Wow, the Midnighters clan!” the Rector of the Academy exclaimed. Eagle didn’t even think about whether to go to a meeting with Goh or not. He immediately opened the portal.
Chapter 37. ‘A Coconut’
T ime seemed to be accelerating. Yar felt satisfaction at all those seconds, minutes, and hours. Frequent contact via thought communication with the highly experienced Vey the Shamrock enriched him, and he rebuilt this subtle system more clearly. Yar Row Dark easily adopted the manner and form of filing—as did Vey.
The wizard kept explaining successful interaction. “At the beginning of the dialogue, there should be a request message, as if you approach the door and know there is the whole universe behind it. You should respectfully ‘knock’, calling the owner, trying to imagine him. You will gradually get used to it, though it will take some time. This skill allows you to prepare the two systems for interaction.”
“Got it. You’re very wise and intelligent. I can’t wait to have my own University.”
Yar heard the wizard laugh, and then Vey answered sarcastically, “It will appear right now, nerd. Go quickly to your favorite tower, otherwise, you will miss a most interesting event.
“Let the Guardian warn everyone immediately. The living beings have two options: take refuge in the palace immediately or run five miles from the palace in a hurry. Better ten miles. They will have a maximum of a hundred seconds; I can’t hold this ‘Coconut’ any longer.”
Vey the Shamrock laughed again, then he screamed heartrendingly,
Yar understood that if the wizard was shouting, then everything was very serious, although his cry was, perhaps, tinged with an excess of mockery and fun.
“Guardian!” Echoing his mentor, Yar raised his voice.